Friday, June 13, 2008

Trip to the Doctor, Four Hours; Time in the Doctor's Office, Five Minutes

Her mom and I took SL to see her pulmonologist for a routine visit. He's in a large town about 100 miles away. The drive was two hours--each way. We sat in the waiting room less than 3 minutes (literally; I timed it!). The nurse got her vitals, and we sat in the exam room long enough for me to start her charting (I'd done her assessment and vitals before we left).

The Pulmonologist came in, took a cursory look at the chart (he'd seen her one other time, about a year ago), and asked me if she'd been coughing. I replied that she hadn't been coughing much, her secretions were think and white, and her SpO2's had been in the 94-96% range.

He took out his stethescope and listened to her chest . . . in exactly two places. OVER her shirt. He made the brilliant observation that, "Her color looks good!" said to make no changes and come back in a year.

I think SL's respiratory status has been very good, but wouldn't you think a specialist would want to do a more thorough exam?

Oh well. It made for a quick day at work and I think SL enjoyed the change in routine.

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