Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Things that Annoy Me

My husband becomes annoyed with me when we watch medical shows together. I can't help but commenting on the inaccuracies on so many shows--the patient rooms are huge, CPR is rarely done correctly, nurses sometimes behave like idiots (I particularly dislike when nurses are portrayed inaccurately) . . .

I used to love the show House. What I enjoyed the most was House's attitude, and how he said what sometimes I would love to say to people! However, the medical situations are so unbelievable to anyone with any knowledge of medicine, I can't watch it anymore. I'm too distracted by the medical aspects that just cannot take place. I don't understand why they can't make the show at least somewhat believeable.

One of my dream jobs would be as an OB nurse, so I occasionally watch some of the shows about birth. They irritate me too! I realize that time constraings prohbit them following a laboring lady through her whole labor, but it seems so many times they show a lady laboring on her back, in bed . . . announce she's not making progress, and immediately decide to do a C-section. There are soooo many interventions that can assist the progress of labor--walking, changing position, squatting, slow dancing, and so on and so on and so on! I know many pregnant women watch these shows, and if labor were portrayed just a little more accurately, women might realize the things they could do to assist labor.

It's our job as nurses to educate people--about innacuracies portrayed in TV shows as well as many other things. It's overwhelming to try to do this, however, in the face of so many shows, watched by so many people.

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